Our Friends at Peoria Chinese Community:

On January 29, 2017 we celebrated Chinese New Year with a successful performance gala. We were really glad to see so many community members, friends, and colleagues joined us at the Dunlap High School Auditorium for this cultural celebration. All of us enjoyed the wonderful performance of 15 talented teams, including stage show, song, dance, and instruments. The Chinese New Year celebration has become the biggest annual event that connects our community together and introduces Chinese culture to community friends. We would like to thank all the 300 performers who have brought so many joyful moments to us. We know the performers collectively had spent more than 7,000 hours practicing, often on weekends and evenings, and many teams started last August. The themed stage show started planning in as early as last April!


As we all know volunteers are the backbone behind all of our events, and this year is no exception. This celebration is only successful because of the great help from our volunteers. Volunteers helped planning the event, reserving the place, contacting local media, making stage props, decorating the stages, selling the tickets, organizing the shows, and hosting the VIPs. While it is not possible to have a completed list, we do want to thank the following volunteers for their great help this year. We also apologize as we may have missed some names as so many people have helped this event in so many ways.


Peoria Chinese Association, Caterpillar Chinese Resource Group


Producer: Jianping Pan

Director: Yue Zhao

Fund Raising: Lijuan Wang, Lidi Chen

Public Relations: Tao Hong

Communication: Ming Tian, Yanchai Zhang

Tickets: Hua Li, Fei Wang / Member: Lidi Chen, Jianping Pan, Hong Lian, Hanmei Luo, Shanhong Hu, Lu Bai, Shu Zhang, Qinyang Rao, Michael Ye, Tao Hong, Xuan Fu, Yun Wang, Hongsheng Sun, Ming Tian, Huiyan Yin, Jiwen Duan, Zhaoyang Jiang, Lijuan Wang, Zan Mi, Yingying Kuai

Stage Manager: Huapei Wan / Member: Wenwei Jiang, Steve Song, Dong Fei, YanFei Liu, Shaobin Liu

Technical Director: Franklin Pang

Audio: Franklin Pang, Lifeng Wang

Lighting: Jianlong Xu / Member: Hongsheng Sun, Haolun Fan

Hospitality & Entrance: Qinyang Rao, Zhaoyang Jiang, Shaobin Liu, Tao Hong / Member: Elena Hong, Jessica Li, Jennifer Hu, Kristine Xie, Lawrence Liu, Albert Li

Photography: Yanchai Zhang / Member: Kevin Gao, Liangtao Zhu, Jie Yang, Chunyu Zhu

Video: Liqun Chi

Bulletin Designer & Editor: Hua Li

Stage Design & Decoration: Hong Liu, Tong Xu,  Wenting Xu / Member: Yue Bian, Yongmei HeJian liu Chunping Yang, Jie Ying, Fei Lin, Zuoping Zhou, Qingmei Jiao, Phoebe Wang, Ruby Mou, Yue Wang, Jiarong Zhang, Shuyu Lin, Lijuan Wang, Yue Zhao, Yujin Hu, Tao Hong, Fei Wang, Jianping Pan, Danqing Huang, Weiming Jia, Yijun Liu, Alyssa Lindsey, Dongcheng Yang, Anjian Chen, Junze Huang

Safety & Security: Jason Li / Member: Wenlong Zhang, Yang Dong, Runling Pan              

Online Registration Form Builder: Jingming Deng

Performers, Coaches & Team Coordinators are listed here (about 300 people).

  1. 青少年乐器合奏: 上帝会看顾你, 过新年 (Peoria Youth Musical Ensemble: God Will Take Care of You, Happy New Year )

Performed by:

Violin: 李源楚Jason Li,李云楚Alice Li, 李月楚Joyce Li, 张雨菲Jenna Zhang,

杜君如John Du, 李嘉亮Noah Li, 刘廷睿Thomas Liu, 曾德芯Lydia Langston;

Cello: 田晨兴Isaac Tian;

Trombone: 关云天Sam Guan;

Piano: 张雨薇Raina Zhang

Instructor: 石鹏飞PengFei Shi             Coordinator: 李敏Min Li, 李庆中Qingzhong Li


过去一年里发生了很多事情。我们可能遭受了巨大的痛苦; 我们可能遭受了经济损失; 我们甚至可能失去非常熟悉的朝九晚五的工作。然而,当我们明白他以自己的方式每一天照顾着我们每一个人,我们将永远受益,变得更加坚强。让我们庆祝2017年,庆祝我们的福份; 做汤圆吃饺子; 放烟花抢红包; 穿上新衣,人人都说“新年快乐”吉祥如意”!

We have seen a lot during the past year. The loss of a loved one, the economic loss and layoffs all could disrupt our lives profoundly. However, when we travel in His light and know that He takes care of each one of us in His own way. Let us take heart and welcome 2017; celebrate our blessings; make rice balls and eat dumplings; light fireworks and enjoy Hong Baos; greet “Happy New Year” and good luck!


Act One - 舞台剧 Stage Show

  1. 舞台剧: 花好月圆之中国新(Stage Show: Perfect Happiness - Chinese Traditional Wedding)

总策划 (Director) :  Yujin Hu 胡毓瑾

新婚夫妇 (Bride and Groom) :  Ying Liu 刘颖,David Hilton

司仪 (MC): Dongming Tan 谈东明

旁白: Kristy Zou 邹静

伴娘(Bridesmaid) : Kristy Zou 邹静,Huiyan Yin 尹慧研

伴郎(Groomsmen) : Shawn BalekJohn Du 杜君如

(Parents) : Yujun Sun 孙雨均,Juying Yi 易菊英

开场儿童(Opening Children) : Julian Liu 刘居廉 & Anya Liu 刘安亚

轿夫 (Sedan Carrier) : Ming Tian 田铭,Haifeng Li 李海锋

节目策划组 (Program Team) : Lifei Chi于黎飞, Yamin Luo罗亚敏, Hong Liu刘虹, Ruoyang Sun 孙若阳, Xiaoyun Wang王霄云,YingYing Kuai郐瀛瀛, Hong Qian钱红, Ruth Zhao赵秀梅


中国传统婚礼,有着上千年的历史以及独具风格的传统婚庆文化特征, 亚洲婚礼文化是以中国传统文化为基础发展起来的。时代变迁尽管有些礼仪已经逐渐淡出, 但保留下来的精髓依然独具魅力。舞台剧展示了婚礼当天迎亲和闹洞房环节。迎亲是男方亲自到女方家迎娶新娘;闹洞房能为新人驱邪避祸,婚后吉祥如意。

China's traditional wedding, developed through thousands of years of history has unique style of happy culture characteristics. The Asian wedding is based on traditional Chinese culture. Even though some etiquette has gradually faded, the unique essence is still retained. Today we will show the groom’s family sending a marriage sedan to escort the bride and celebrate the wedding in the bridal chamber.


2.1少儿舞蹈:明天我要嫁给你了 (I am Gonna Marry You Tomorrow)

Performed by: Anya Liu刘安亚, Joy Cai, Cindy Du, Jena Wen温可欣, Joy Wen温月欣,

Olivia Wang, Sabrina Xu许子然,Melissa Chen陈怡然,Michelle Cai 蔡苗佳,

Elva Wang汪乐儿小米儿

Instructor: Ruoying Tang 汤若


2.2. 少儿舞蹈:九月九的酒 (September 9th, Good Wine)

Performed by: Chen, Eric陈业谦; Feng, LeWen冯乐文; Feng, TaiWen冯泰文;

Liu, Julian刘居廉; Wei, Roy未无为; Wen, Jeffery温宇欣

Instructor: Ruoying Tang 汤若


2.3. 少儿舞蹈:掀起你的盖头来 (Lift Your Veil)

Performed by: Alice Li, Anjali Yedavalli, Felicia Cai, Jasmine Liu, Jenna Zhang, Joyce Li,

Pearl Patel

Instructor: Lifei Chi于黎飞


2.4. 民乐演奏: 好日子, 月亮代表我的心 (Today is a Good Day, The Moon Represents My Hearts)

Performed by: 碧城华乐演奏者: 古筝 - 傅瑄 竹笛 - 万华培 琵琶 - 陆忻

鼓手 - 罗建峰 二胡 - 石鹏飞 钢琴 - Rosa Tang

Chinese Ensemble of PeoriaChinese Zither - Xuan Simon, Flute - Haupei Wan,

Pipa - Xin Lu, Drum - Jianfeng Luo, Erhu (Fiddler) - Pengfei Shi      

Piano - Rosa Tang,


2.5. 婚庆舞蹈 Wedding Dance

Performed by: Lifei Chi于黎, ShanHong Hu胡珊, Hong Liu刘虹, Xinmei Liu刘心美, Yamin Luo罗亚敏, Ruchi Majety, Lin Yang 杨林,  Dongming Wang王冬明

Instructor: Ruchi Majety     Coordinator: Lifei Chi于黎飞


Act Two - 民族风 Ethnic Chinese Style

3. 舞蹈: 国风

Performed by: Amanda Chen陈蔓笛, Ellen Hou候安文, Jason Li李源楚, Joyce Li李月楚, Alice Li李云楚, Jenny Liu刘珍妮, Cynthia Mu穆昕, Meagan Slusher史慧, Emily Yu于捷飏

Instructor: Ruoying Tang 汤若樱   



Guo Feng is authored by Japanese musician Kitaro under the title “Matsuri , which in Japanese means festival. The airy flute, the beating drum, coupled with the break dance by Jason, and dance moves of a group of teenage girls, depicts holiday joy and celebration of harvest.


4. 中国扇舞: 小河淌水 (Chinese Fan Dance)

Performed by: 付瑄Xuan Simon, 刘虹Hong Liu, 汤若英Ruoying Tang, 于黎飞Lifei Chi,

应杰Jie Ying, 王云Yun Wang, 王迪Di Wang, 郑建平Jianping Zheng, 罗寒梅Hanmei Luo,白露Bai Lu, 胡珊红Shanhong Hu, 王东明Dongming Wang, 杨林Lin Yang, 薛群Qun Xue, 陈燕凌Yanling Chyen, Meng Li, 易志兰 Kelly Yang

Instructor: 傅瑄 Xuan Simon             Coordinator: 易志兰 Kelly Yang



Fan dancing is a traditional Chinese folk dance. Inspired by both classical Chinese Zither and modern western symphony music “Flowing Stream”, this dance was created by combining Chinese and modern dance movements. It has already been performed as part of the OSF Children's Congenital Heart Condition Fundraiser earlier this year. Today, 17 dancers with long silk fans will again bring you a beautiful and a classical Chinese Fan dance.



5. 钢琴笛子: 渔舟唱晚  (Piano Flute: Notturno in the Fisherboat)

Performed by: 赵宗豪 Evan Zhao, 陈家骅 Josh Chen

Instructor: Betty Liu


曲目取自唐代诗人王勃所著的《腾王阁序》:“落霞与孤鹜起飞, 秋水共长水田一色。渔舟唱晚,响穷彭蠡之滨;雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦”。该乐曲以优美典雅的曲调、舒缓的节奏,描绘渔人在夕阳西下、湖光山色无比优美的时刻,满载着劳动丰收的喜悦,荡浆归舟的欢快情景,表现了对祖国美丽山河的赞美和热爱。

This piece of music is depicting the fisherman on the lake during the sunset with mountains in the background. To him, this is an extremely beautiful moment. The fisherman feels full of joy in his labor harvest. He wants to praise the beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland for his abundance of blessings. As such the music has elegant and soothing tunes.



6. 广场舞: 当金风吹来的时候 (Line Dance: Golden Wind Blows)

Performed by: Rong Hu, Hui Liu, Ping Huang, Yue Wang, Hong Qian, Lin Zhu, Xiaoyun Wang, Zhilan Yi, Zheng Qi, Hua Li

Instructor: Rong Hu (Rhonda Cai)



Peoria Line dance team is excited to perform a new dance that is called "Golden Wind Blows". This is a Dai dance that is from Dai ethnic minority of China. The beautiful music coupled with graceful dance movements will demonstrate China's multi-culture and the Dai people's joyful spirit.



7. 男生独唱: 我要醉在草原上             (孟文豪、红风词 孟文豪、戚宝曲)

Performed by: Jason Zhang


这是一首介绍中国内蒙古大草原优美夜空的爱情歌曲。 歌曲描述了生活在草原的青年沉醉在那满天的繁星的月夜, 饮着由马奶制成的美酒,望着自己的羊群, 为自己相爱的人所唱出的心灵赞歌.

This song described a beautiful night at the grassland in the Inner Mongolia of China. A young man had the wines made from horse milk, watched his sheep, especially the newborn sheep, and started to sing a song to his lover who is far away from him, as if he was singing with her together.


8. 古筝:彝族舞曲 (Guzheng: Dance of the Yi People)

Performed by: Lina Wang

Instructor: Rong Hu (Rhonda Cai)



王利娜,自幼习筝,曾在湖北省十堰市艺术剧院工作,担任古筝演奏, 戏曲伴奏,和古筝教学。曾获得湖北省首届古筝比赛”山水杯”重奏组金奖和独奏银奖。获得湖北省地方戏曲艺术节戏曲伴奏叁等奖。因每年许多古筝学生考级优秀,被中央民族管弦乐协会评为优秀指导老师。演奏的曲子是<<彝族舞曲>>, 讲述了节日里一群年轻的彝族姑娘和小伙子们载歌载舞,庆祝佳节!

Lina Wang comes from a family of musicians and artists in Henan. She has studied the Guzheng and traditional music since childhood. At the Shiyan City Art Theater Lina has worked as a traditional performance artist, Chinese opera orchestral accompaniment, and as the head Guzheng teacher. During her career, Lina has won the ensemble gold medal and solo silver medal in the Hubei Province Mountain Cup Guzheng Competition, won third place in the Hubei Province Opera and Art Festival, and was awarded the title of “Excellent Guidance Instructor” by the Central National Orchestra Association. Lina will perform “Dance of the Yi People,” which tells the story of how young girls and guys sing and dance to celebrate the festive season!



9. 舞蹈: 采薇(Chinese Classic Dance: Cai Wei)

Performed by: Wei Du杜卫, Xiaomin Wu吴小敏, Zhiping Gao高志萍, Luqiong Ling凌渌琼, Yu Zuo左宇, Miao Li李淼, Wenqian Xu,徐文倩, Lin Li 李琳, Lei Wang王蕾, Xiao Guo郭笑, Yufang Yin殷宇芳, Yimin Fang 方绮民, Jingxia Xu许靖霞, Erjing Yang杨尔静

《采薇》舞蹈取自中国歌舞剧院大型民族舞剧《孔子》片段。昔我往矣, 杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。这取自《诗经》的诗句讲述了出征将士思念故土的情怀。故乡有他们的母亲, 姐妹, 妻子,她们是远征者温暖的归宿。舞者腰肢款摆身姿娉婷, 展示的是春秋时期绝美的佳人。

Mothers, sisters and  wives represent families and comforts. The everyday lives of the beautiful women in ancient China stand as a splendid portrait, displaying the history they lived in, from the first bloom of spring to the last snow of winter.

春城蓝月亮舞蹈团是伊州 Springfield 华人社团下的一只女子舞蹈团。 曾被Springfield, 邻近城市 Peoria, Bloomington, Champion of IL, Kentucky and Indiana 的大学以及华人社团多次邀请登台演出。

Springfield Blue Moon Dance is an all-women’s dancing group. It was invited to perform in several universities in Illinois and other states for the celebrations of Chinese New Year or the promotion of Chinese cultures.




Act Three - 现代风 Modernism

10. 合唱: 全然向你 (All for You)

Performed by: 碧城华人教会诗班 (Peoria Chinese Christian church Choir),

陈丽 Lijuan Chen, Jie Ying, Hua Li, 刘虹Hong Liu, 林淑瑜Shuru Lin,

王理勤Liqin Wang, 张丽娅Liya Zhang, 刘四清 Siqing Liu, 易志Kelly Yang,

春萍Chunping Yang, 文英 Wenyin Zhong, 王正 David Wang, 王利峰Lifeng Wang,

刘文景 Wenching Liu, 段吉文 Jiwen Duan, BJ Yang, 常建学Jianxue Chang

Piano: 杨巩 Felix Yang


这是一首很美的现代中文诗歌。 诗歌中描述,當讚美的旋律響起,當聖靈的恩膏滿溢,我心中的喜樂川流不息,心中的暖流也冉冉升起,我要欣然向神獻上自己,一生一世獻上自己。 愿与大家一起来分享这首充满喜乐的歌。

This is a beautiful modern Chinese gospel song. It describes how our hearts are touched and inspired by the melody of praises and the Holy Spirit. The joy and warmth of love overflow our souls and spirits. And we will dedicate our lives to our Lord, our God forever.



11. 男女对唱: 因为爱情 (Because of love)

Performed by: 冯暴 Bao Feng, 孙若洋 Ruoyang Sun



This is the theme song of the movie Eternal Moment. As stated by the song writer- this is a simple love song but travels over memories. It expresses compassion as well as inspiration.



12. 少儿舞蹈: Lollipop and Bang Bang

CCTRAIN Sunshine Dance Team / CC TRAIN 阳光舞蹈队

Performed by: Alicia Li, Olivia Pan, Eva Rao, Kelly Song, Vivian Guan, Matthew Li,

Sophia Pan, Rachel Qi, Elaine Rao, Patricia Sun, April Tan, Eva Tan, Jeffrey Wen, Lewen Feng, Taiwen Feng, Scarlet Ren

Instructor: 吕欣芫Xinyuan Lv, 罗亚敏Yaming Luo Coordinator: 邵青Qing Shao


本只舞蹈是由小班和大班的小朋友们表演的踢踏舞和嘻哈舞的串烧。由小班表演的踢踏舞《lollipop》节奏感十足,将给观众带来轻快,活泼和自由童真的氛围。而大班表演的嘻哈舞《Bang Bang》结合了流行的嘻哈音乐,并通过动感的舞步为观众们展示青春和活力。

This dance is performed by the kids (5 to 8 years old) from CCTRAIN Sunshine Dance Team. The first part of this dance is Hip-pop with song Bang-Bang, and the second part of this dance is Tap dance with song Lollipop. This dance is going to show the energy and happiness during childhood.



13. 合唱: Peoria International Choir: Mozart's Fa-la-la - and Dansi Na Kuimba

Peoria International Choir was established in September 2015, with director Mrs. Masako Johnson.  PIC is a true International Choir with artists from multiple nations.  This mixed Choir performs diverse music from classic to well-known folk songs, film music to Broadway.


Conductor: Masako Johnson

Pianist: Justin Kothenbeutel

Sopranos: Carrie Tilly, Sunny Sun, Hong Lian, Lan Gehner, Leah Xu, Maggie Pai, Xiaoyun Wang

Altos: Kellie Lester, Betty Wagner, Damayanthi Sabapathy, Ruth Guo, Grace Chong,

Sandy DeRouleQuinn, Hanmei Luo

Tenors: Ramachandran Anantharaman, Quentin Alphonso, Ciprian Sas, Yon Chong

Basses: Jiwen Duan, Troy Young, Rick Welch



Originated from Mozart's Charol Sheet music, this is a popular carol song full of joyfulness and cheering in the holiday season.

这首歌的名字在Swahili 的意思是唱歌和跳舞。Swahili是一种东非的语言。这是一首生命之歌,描绘人们用唱歌和跳舞表达对生命的歌颂。

The name of the song means Dancing and Singing in Swahili. Swahili is a language spoken is East Africa. This is a song of life that people dance and sing to celebrate the joy of life.




14. 摇滚歌曲收获 (Reapers)

Performed by: George Zhou周壮壮, Isaac Betancourt 艾萨克, Caleb Davis迦勒

Instructor: 周剑勋Jianxun Zhou



George Zhou, Isaac and Caleb are good friends and grew up together. They all went to Dunlap schools and all enjoy music. They have formed a band and play music together every weekend.

Today, they will bring you a rock song called “Reapers”. It is a modified version of “Reapers” by the English rock band Muse. Hope you will enjoy it.



谢幕  Closing Speech



15. 合唱: Tomorrow will be Better (明天會更好)

Performed by: 王霄Xiaoyun Wang, 胡毓瑾Yujin Hu, 罗建Jianfeng Luo,蔡伟华 Will Cai


为了我们的梦想,我们背井离乡,我们远隔重洋,拿到了学位,有了工作,买了房子,生了孩子. 同时我们经历了危机与下岗,我们走过了焦虑和忧伤。但是一路走来,我们从来没有忘记过我们的梦想。头昂着,脚迈着,情怀在燃烧,明天会更好!唱出你的热情,伸出你的双手。让我们拥抱彼此的梦,让我们的笑容充满着青春的骄傲,让我们期待明天会更好!

This a song written by Taiwanese songwriter Luo Dayou. It was created in 1985 under the inspiration of the single We Are the World to raise money for World Vision to help with aid to Africa. The song was originally sung in Mandarin Chinese and the more than sixty artists involved in the original recording were from the five main Chinese music industry markets of mainland China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.